Wednesday, September 09, 2009

iPhone, iPod, App Store and iTunes Statistics

Apple's "It's Only Rock and Roll" media event provided an update on a number of Apple statistics. Here's a quick review:
  • 30 million iPhones sold to date
  • 20 million iPod Touches sold to date
  • 220 million iPods (all types) sold to date
  • 75,000 applications in the App Store just within the first year
  • 28%, or 21,178, of the applications in the App Store are games and entertainment related
  • 1.8 billion applications downloaded to date (not including updates which would have represented a number a few times more than that)
  • 8.5 billion iTunes songs sold
  • 100 million iTunes accounts
  • The #1 music retailer in the world
Many of these stats are jaw dropping considering how long the products have been around. The iPod Touch numbers are a real stand out. The Touch is an amazing product and Apple should continue to do everything it can to provide it with every feature the iPhone has, but the phone, of course. Also interesting to note how almost 1/3 of all iPhone and Touch applications are game based. I'm not sure how the percentage of this category would compare with other platforms, but there's clearly no shortage of any application type. The application numbers don't address quality so while there may be 20K+ applications many are average at best. All in all, impressive numbers that will only grow.


  1. Unbelievable statistics, cant believe my eyes. I consider that Apple and especially iTunes is our bright future. Thats why I always got iTunes latest version from this amazing service that works just brilliant.

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