Wednesday, August 20, 2008

iPhone 2.0.2 software does not solve 3G issue

Apple released iPhone 2.0.2 software this week.  The release is a feature free - bug focused release.  While details of the release were sparse on Apple's web site, an Apple spokesperson acknowledged fixes related to 3G reception.  Don't be fooled by any means that this addresses AT&Ts abysmal 3G coverage.  A class action lawsuit was filed in Alabama against Apple claiming Apple misrepresented the phone's ability to delivery enhanced speeds on the 3G network.  This is unlikely to have any legs.  Consider how many wireless customers sign up for service for a "nation wide network" only to find it doesn't mean the entire nation.  It's all in the small print, friends.  Let's hope AT&T is actively building their 3G network not only in new areas, but filling the holes in existing areas.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Best Buy To Sell iPhones

According to sources, Best Buy is expected to announce they will be selling the iPhone.  The Best Buy channel provides Apple with a nationwide retail outlet for iPhone distribution.  Best Buy and Apple have slowly been building their partnership over the past few years.  Many Best Buy stores feature an Apple section with predominantly displayed iMacs and Mac Books.  This is the first time in the U.S. the iPhone will sit along side phones from other vendors.  

Updated:  The news is now official.

Monday, August 04, 2008

iPhone Firmware 2.0.1 Released

My iPhone experience has thus far left me disappointed.  Multiple application crashes, missing features and "black screens of death" have all contributed.  Tonight, Apple released iPhone Firmware 2.0.1.  While we don't exactly what was fixed there are early reports of improvement.  Users at MacRumors and Applesider are already weighing in.  New features will come in 2.1, but for now I'm hoping 2.0.1 will address some short term frustrations.  Check iTunes for the update.