Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why is the iPhone keyboard so difficult to use?

I adapt quickly to new technologies. I’m just one of those people. Like anyone else I adapt to some technologies faster than others. When I originally started using my iPhone it took a considerable amount of time to figure out the best way to command use of the keyboard. Mistakes will occur with any type of input device, but correcting errors on the iPhone always seems more time consuming. I receive a number of emails from iPhone users with spelling errors and I suspect error correction ability to be the culprit. The issue is that spelling correction on the fly as you type is a bit of a pain. While you’re composing an email you have a thought you want to get out and having that thought pattern disrupted with spelling correction questions and issues is distracting. I prefer the spell check option you would find in Outlook or on a Blackberry where you can spell check after composing and before sending. It’s so not Apple, but it would be a great option to add on.