Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Thoughts on iPod shuffle

To display or not display...that is the question. Apple's new iPod shuffle is a flash memory device in a very crowded field. With well known and respected manufacturers like iriver the flash device field as serious competition. It makes sense for Apple to get in this area. With the release of the shuffle, Apple can leverage the iPod name as well as building the Apple brand. The device is small and sleek with a nice clean look. The device is extremely easy to carry in a pant pocket and is bulge free! As I started with, the shuffle is without a display. How will this play out? I like to know the name of a band or a song when I hear it on my iPod. I can only imagine shuffle devices not being purchased because of the lack of display. The device is most certainly a niche product. It's ability to plug right in to a USB drive is great. Time will tell how many times after installing and removing the shuffle from a USB port will it take a leave some scratch marks on that nice, white and clean exterior. Wow factor is average on this one. Count on the iPod hard drive products to drive volume.